Leaf Area / Root Length Systems
SkyeLeaf and SkyeRoot programs can now capture images at the click of a button from USB “Plug & Play” video cameras or scanners. Photos taken with digital cameras or even mobile phones can also be easily imported for analysis, with no extra hardware needed.
A highly portable system is available utilising a laptop in the field to take measurements on leaves during growth. Alternatively a dedicated laboratory setup is offered for the rapid analysis of hundreds of leaves and roots at the end of an experimental trial.
The new, automatic calibration function makes quick and easy work of setting the pixel size, as well as giving more accurate measurements. Additional features also include root branches and tips.
- More analysis and measurement features
- Image capture card for a PC is no longer required
- Software uses direct connection to USB cameras
- NON-DESTRUCTIVE option for leaves for use in the field
- Traditional laboratory system with a light box
- Dedicated Leaf Area & Analysis software
- Dedicated Root Length & Analysis software