Eddy-Covariance System
The eddy-covariance (EC) technique is widely used to quantify the exchange of heat, carbon dioxide, water vapor, and other trace gases between Earth’s surface and the atmosphere. These data provide the information required to analyze carbon storage properties of various ecosystems, create accurate gas exchange budgets, and compare emissions characteristics between various land use such as agricultural lands, forestlands, sagebrush steppe, or urban plots and landfills.
CO2 & H2O Open-Path Gas Analyzer and 3-D Sonic Anemometer
The CPEC310 with EasyFlux® is a turn-key, closed-path eddy-covariance (EC) flux system for long-term monitoring of atmospheric-biosphere exchanges of carbon dioxide, water vapor, heat, and momentum. A complete system consists of a closed-path gas analyzer (EC155 closed-path gas analyzer), sonic anemometer (CSAT3A sonic anemometer), data logger (CR6 datalogger), sample pump, three-valve module that enables automatic zero and CO2 span measurements (manual H2O span), and accommodations for a CDM-A116 analog input expansion module allowing for additional sensors.
- New conformal coating helps protect sonic transducers in corrosive environments
- Expandable, high-end system with CR6 datalogger processing power and EasyFlux® DL software to compute and fully correct up to 20 Hz data
- The 3-valve module makes the CPEC310 the only closed-path eddy covariance system on the market with the ability to perform automatic zero and CO2/H2O span
- Additional port options for energy balance and atmospheric sensors
- Ideal system for short or tall towers
- Simple design provides easy use while maintaining full functionality